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Explore expert insights, helpful tips, and the latest news in oral health care. Stay informed and empowered on your journey to a brighter, healthier smile.

Many people avoid thier local dental office in Vaughan simply because of fear. It could be something residual from their childhood, or a bad experience from a previous dental procedure. But whatever the situation, avoiding the dentist could cause existing problems to worsen, and could result in irreversible damage. Today, when getting a dental procedure that requires sedation, a dentist has a...

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Deciding on a tooth bridge or implant is an important decision. The fact is, tooth replacement has come a long way in the past few decades, and results are impressive. For a patient, it’s important to understand the procedures before making a choice. Along with the dentist, it’s important to understand which treatment is best - tooth bridge or implant? For some, a tooth bridge is the ideal,...

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When it comes to dental cosmetics, bonding is the easiest and least expensive procedure that’s available. Dental bonding provides excellent cosmetic results, and is commonly used to restore and improve the appearance of chipped, discolored, or damaged teeth. For superb dental bonding services in Vaughan, patients can confidently rely on the team and dentist in Woodbridge at the Mackenzie...

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Visiting the dentist on a regular basis is as important as a regular physical checkup. And as a means of prevention, visiting the dentist’s office every six months is an excellent opportunity for early diagnosis. The aim, of course, is to prevent big problems from arising down the line.

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While it sounds like a senior citizen’s ailment, periodontal disease actually materializes during the adult years and often culminates with serious repercussions. It’s therefore important for periodontal disease prevention to begin at an early age and continue through young adulthood. The good news is that periodontal disease is preventable, and with good daily habits including visits to a...

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Having a kid-friendly family dentist that specializes in dental care for children can have a number of advantages. And while kids of all ages can get stressed out when visiting the dentist, there is a way to create a welcome environment to override those fears. At the Mackenzie Dental Centre, Dr. Lloyd Pedvis follows the guidelines set by the Canadian Dental Association, but also has his own...

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While many people tend to visit the dentist when they have a problem, it’s much wiser to include the dentist as a general health care provider. For patients who are looking for a good general dentist in Woodbridge, the Mackenzie Dental Centre provides family dentistry with a preventive approach. At the clinic, Dr. Lloyd Pedvis offers a modern approach to diagnosis and treatment.

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Today, more and more dental patients are seeking treatment from dentists in Vaughan who specialize in mercury free fillings. Amalgam free dentistry is gaining in popularity, as many patients are attracted by the safer, more effective procedure. Sometimes referred to as amalgam free fillings, these mercury free fillings actually restore a damaged tooth, rather than “fill” the tooth. In some...

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Finding a Good Dental Office in Vaughan

Posted on July 08, 2017

For patients in search of a reputable dentist and a good dental office in Vaughan, the Mackenzie Dental Centre offers a distinctive difference. With a clinic atmosphere that is relaxing, the overall environment has been designed to be a comfortable experience for both adults and children.

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Dr. Lloyd Pedvis, an emergency dentist in Woodbridge, treats patients of all ages for a wide range of dental emergencies. While every emergency is uniquely different, there are definitely some that are common – like a decayed tooth with unbearable pain; or a sports injury with obvious damage; or perhaps a chipped tooth from a mishap around the home. Whatever the case, urgent emergency dental...

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Woodbridge, Maple & Vellore


3450 Major Mackenzie Drive West #5 Woodbridge, Ontario L4H 4J5

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