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Explore expert insights, helpful tips, and the latest news in oral health care. Stay informed and empowered on your journey to a brighter, healthier smile.

Do Dental Benefits Cover Root Canals?

Posted on December 26, 2019

As we get older, tooth damage can develop over time. Regularly visiting a dentist and committing to a thorough oral health care routine can help prevent damage, but it is easy to ignore small problems, especially with a busy schedule. When tooth damage is left for a significant period, it can develop into decay and require a root canal in order to be fixed. We’re going to discuss what this...

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Do you have an upcoming dental procedure that requires sedation? Sometimes it can be frightening to receive anaesthesia and many people aren’t sure how to properly prepare for their sedation procedure. The good news is that sedation is a very normal process for both dental and medical procedures. For the vast majority of dental procedures, general anaesthesia is administered, a common and...

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Do you grind or clench your teeth and wonder how you can stop yourself from grinding your teeth at night? If so, you’re not alone. Also known as bruxism, teeth grinding affects about 8-10 percent of the population, according to some research studies. Many people (young and old) grind their teeth at night, which can lead to serious dental consequences. Regardless of the reasons why you grind,...

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How Painful is the Dental Implant Procedure?

Posted on September 23, 2018

Many people are anxious about getting a dental implant. Naturally, there is some fear, and the biggest question is about how painful the dental implant procedure is. While the fear of pain is reasonable, today’s technologies and procedures have come a long way with dental implants.

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Needless to say, not everyone has teeth that are perfectly shaped and beautifully white. That’s where the debate begins about dental veneers or dental bonding. Whatever the choice, these procedures are about cosmetic enhancement – and the before/after difference can be dramatic.

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How to Look Your Very Best on Valentine's Day

Posted on February 13, 2018

With Valentine’s Day right around the corner, it’s the perfect opportunity for some “pre-date” preparation. As one of the biggest date nights of the year, looking your best this Valentine’s Day can be a win-win. From skin-health, to treating your body right, to a whiter smile, the efforts are worthwhile.

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Good oral health habits are simply about prevention. Bad oral health habits will eventually compromise both the teeth and the gums. Prevention begins by visiting the dentist on a regular basis (about every six months). This provides an opportunity to diagnose any potential problems early on. At the same time, bad oral health habits can be revealed, addressed, and even resolved.

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A root canal is a dental procedure that attempts to preserve a tooth that is decayed or infected. Failing other treatment options, the nerve of the tooth and the pulp would be removed, and the finished restoration would return things to normal. You may be wondering if you need a root canal treatment, based on various symptoms, and here, a professional diagnosis would be essential. In the event...

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With a child-friendly dental office in Woodbridge, parents can soon appreciate the benefits of this type of specialization. The fact is, children need specialized dental care and attention, particularly in their early years. For some, there is understandable stress when visiting the dentist in Woodbridge, so having a welcome environment is essential in addressing those fears. Dr. Lloyd Pedvis,...

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